It was in the news (and on Network World): CompTIA recently published a survey on the security skills of IT workers. In an impressive list of numbers we learn that the gap between demand and supply is bigger in developing nations, and that, of course, hiring managers are planning to apply remedies, such as sending their IT and IT Security people to training measures and demanding certifications. This is the kind of material surveys - and dreams - are made of. It is a law of nature that security is a cost of doing business, an unproductive expense, just what every company will try to cut. In the absence of serious losses, such cost cutting will almost invariably miss the optimal point and cut too deep. That's the true reason why, across the market, there are not enough IT Security skills available, and it's also the reason why IT Security salaries seem to be soaring regardless of economical situation. This doesn't mean that IT Security will always be a seller's market, but it probably means that its eventual demise will not come from good intentions but from technology. For now, if you want to keep your market value, don't rely on your company to help you, go out and develop yourself.